Do you feel like you can’t truly be yourself? Do you know what being your authentic self feels like?
Dominant culture (white, cis, man, straight, neurotypical, able-bodied) has told you that you’re too much or not enough.
I’m here to help you discover your amazing value underneath the armor and pain.
You may be new to therapy or have had poor therapy experiences in the past, and you find yourself needing an unbiased, competent, open-minded counselor to help you discover how to attune to yourself, how to attune yourself and your child, and how to thrive instead of simply survive in this neurotypical world.
Therapy has been stigmatized to “fix” people, and that’s with the belief that people are broken. Our wholeness always exists within us, and we have learned to create heavy armor to help protect us.
What therapist is right for me or my child?
Rediscover your awesome self!
You have tried to blend into the norms and learn how you “should” be for many years. You find yourself worried about being too much or not enough when you’re around other people and you aren’t really enjoying yourself anymore. You feel like you’re in survival mode, worrying about the next tasks you need to get done or being critical about a past event. The flames of curiosity and passion are struggling to be warm embers at this point.
Overwhelmed, where do you focus? What are the first steps?